Keep Track Of My Progress

Created by MyFitnessPal - Nutrition Facts For Foods

Thursday, June 2, 2011

It's a good day so far....

I've done really well with my calories and goals Tuesday and Wednesday! This is when it starts to get challenging:

I got on the scale and I have lost 3 pounds since Tuesday. There is three reasons for this: low fat, low sugar, low calories. I have been monitoring my intake on this great website called My Fitness Pal. You enter in your goals and you can monitor pretty much any thing you'd like. I watch for 3 things: fat, sugar, and calories. While I can also monitor sodium and cholesterol, I feel like those do not immediately impact my weight, plus if I am eating foods low in those first three things, more than likely, the other things will follow.

Now. My work. We get donuts every Monday morning and kolaches every first Thursday. Then, we also get one lunch a month. None of this is healthy. My problem is this: if I've had two good days where I've seen results, I'll say, "Well, I'll just have one donut." Or kolache. Or something else that is fatty. Then, I'll say, "Well, I've already ruined my day with the kolache, might as well get fast food for lunch. Because those carrots and broccoli I brought just don't sound good to me." Then, for dinner, because the kids will be over tonight, I'll say, "Well, it's tastier to eat the spaghetti and sauce that we've made than than my soup that I've made for myself." And before I know it, my whole day is shot and I feel like crap and I am back to square one.

I recognized that today. If I want to get to the next level, I need to think past today. And I also need to think smart and remember what I am doing. Because in a couple of weeks, when I've lost a few more pounds and my pants are fitting looser, I am going to be very happy with myself.

I also got up this morning at 5:00 and went and tanned. I can't wait to be dark. Tan fat looks better than pale fat. I actually got some sleep last wonderful husband slept on the bed in the baby's room so I could get some good hours of uninterupted sleep. It was fantastic, I must say. Now, I owe him tonight. But that's ok. Don't underestimate how important sleep is to weight loss!! The hungrier you are, the more food your body is telling you to consume for energy.

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