Keep Track Of My Progress

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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Weight Update

I have kind of been out of pocket on this blog for the last few weeks. Probably because I gave up there for a while. I haven't lost any weight at all nor have I really tried, to be honest.

I just figured out if I am trying to lose weight for the sheer purpose of losing weight, I won't do it. It's just not enough of a reason for me. Not enough motivation. I have to have a goal in mind that has NOTHING to do with weight.

I decided, why not run a 5K?

So I started my 5K training this week. I follow a training program that involves 5-6 days of walk/runs, each day of the week is something different. I love that every time I complete a day, I get to check it off my chart. It gives me a major sense of accomplishment. I am very goal oriented and I love to do lists, so this is a great way to keep me motivated!

Stay tuned!!!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Monday Mornings. And a weigh in.

The weekends always kill me. Although this weekend wasn't so bad. I stuck with my calories, but I did have some things I probably shouldn't have.

I am going to have to start exercising. I am staying around the same weight, even though my pants and clothes are fitting looser, but exercising is going to be the only way I can make a dent. Not excited. Not excited at all.

To be on the honest side, what bothers me the most about my body now, post-baby, is my chest. I have always loved that part of my body, but I have grown at least a cup size, if not more, and now, they just lay there. Part of the reason I don't fit into clothes is because of them. I don't like that. I don't like how they look now. I am thinking of having a reduction. I never thought I would seriously consider plastic surgery, but in this case, I might make an exception. My shoulders hurt alot too because my bra carries alot of weight and I am afraid I might have some serious back pain as I get older. There are so many things I can't put on, around the neck bathing suits for example, because it hurts my neck so bad. I don't want that for the rest of my life.

I am going to try and lose as much weight as I can to see if it does anything for me. Hopefully, it will.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

It's a good day so far....

I've done really well with my calories and goals Tuesday and Wednesday! This is when it starts to get challenging:

I got on the scale and I have lost 3 pounds since Tuesday. There is three reasons for this: low fat, low sugar, low calories. I have been monitoring my intake on this great website called My Fitness Pal. You enter in your goals and you can monitor pretty much any thing you'd like. I watch for 3 things: fat, sugar, and calories. While I can also monitor sodium and cholesterol, I feel like those do not immediately impact my weight, plus if I am eating foods low in those first three things, more than likely, the other things will follow.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Wordy Wednesday

Yesterday turned out ok, food wise. I stuck with my caloric limit. I didn't work out because I am refinishing a table right now so there just wasn't time. I figure, every time I am sitting at home and want to eat, I am just going to redo another piece of furniture. My apartment is going to look ah-maze-ing.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

It Starts Today....

I started this blog a while back to keep track of my progress with weight loss. As you can see, I did not do a very good job.

What is funny is that had I stuck with this since the beginning, I would have probably never gained 40 pounds during my pregnancy and I would have probably lost the weight a whole lot faster. Oh well. Hind sight is 20/20.

Basically, I just need something to write down my thoughts about weight loss and how I feel about my body. I think weight loss is totally mental and for some reason, I have been mentally stuck for a while now.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

It's a Sunday...

I have lost 4 pounds doing nothing more than drinking water and cutting out cokes. I am very proud of myself at this point, however, I haven't been very active at all. I have been eating decent (last night, at Walmart, I was tempted to buy some Oreos but didn't because I knew that meant I would eat the whole bag). I am about to go on a run/walk, which will be great! I got alot of rest last night and feel like I have some energy, which I didn't feel like I had yesterday, so that should help being active.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Thursday Success

As it turns out, yesterday didn't leave alot of time for work out. I only got about 20 minutes for lunch because we had so many trainings and meetings going on, then with us having the kids last night and visitors in from out of time, it was just a time crunch. I will say that I did make it to Walmart and walked around Walmart 3 times, and I also didn't sit down for a very long time as I usually do, so I am OK with that. I also ate very well yesterday, so that was good for me. Today we are going to Cowboys Stadium for a meeting at work, I am sure there will be alot of activity going on and that will be fun. I have been keeping with my water intake. Just cutting out the sodas, I have noticed a difference in my waistline. Many of you might not know but soda, even diet, is one of the major contributors to a pudgy belly. Get rid of those sodas now! Drink water or tea as much as you can. Tea is a great alternative because it's high in anti-oxidants. Just don't drink it Texas style, with a bunch of sugar. Although I will say, real sugar is a better alternative to sugar sweetener. I also learned yesterday that sweet potatoes are great fat busters! They are also high in vitamins, which is why they are considered a super food. I used to eat about one sweet potato per day, back when I was in my most in shape self, not even realizing what these were doing for my body. It's good to know!

I am very aware of all of this now, things that I am putting in my stomach and how much I am exercising. I am glad I have been writing all of this down. Thank you Scotty for being a loyal reader. Hehe.