Keep Track Of My Progress

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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Wordy Wednesday

Yesterday turned out ok, food wise. I stuck with my caloric limit. I didn't work out because I am refinishing a table right now so there just wasn't time. I figure, every time I am sitting at home and want to eat, I am just going to redo another piece of furniture. My apartment is going to look ah-maze-ing.

I caught a glimpse of my thighs in the mirror this morning and I was none too pleased. I know that this is going to take time, but I feel like I want results now.

What is so hard is that before I was 30 and had a baby, I could just look at a treadmill and lose 5 pounds. I was also much more active and had jobs that did not include me sitting around on my butt all day. When I was a restaurant manager, working was like an 8 hour long exercise. As a leasing agent, I would spend the day walking around our large floor and moving furniture. Now, I literally spend 8 hours sitting in front of a computer. Not good, not good.

It just means I have to work harder. Find time. I don't want to, but I don't have a choice.

I am not going to lie, I had every intention of waking up this morning early to do my yoga and tan. Enter, 6 month old baby waking up at 2 am to talk for 2 hours. I didn't get sleep. I got 3 full interupted hours, then about an hour after she went back to sleep. In fact, that seems to be the case every night these days. I am so tired, I feel like I don't know what to do with myself. I don't feel mentally healthy right now because of how tired I am. Hopefully, my husband can sleep in my daughter's room and give me a full 8 hours tonight. That would mean going to bed at 9 pm. And finishing my table. Hmmm, workout in my future? Don't know.

At least I stuck with my calorie limit, right?

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