Keep Track Of My Progress

Created by MyFitnessPal - Nutrition Facts For Foods

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Weight Update

I have kind of been out of pocket on this blog for the last few weeks. Probably because I gave up there for a while. I haven't lost any weight at all nor have I really tried, to be honest.

I just figured out if I am trying to lose weight for the sheer purpose of losing weight, I won't do it. It's just not enough of a reason for me. Not enough motivation. I have to have a goal in mind that has NOTHING to do with weight.

I decided, why not run a 5K?

So I started my 5K training this week. I follow a training program that involves 5-6 days of walk/runs, each day of the week is something different. I love that every time I complete a day, I get to check it off my chart. It gives me a major sense of accomplishment. I am very goal oriented and I love to do lists, so this is a great way to keep me motivated!

Stay tuned!!!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Monday Mornings. And a weigh in.

The weekends always kill me. Although this weekend wasn't so bad. I stuck with my calories, but I did have some things I probably shouldn't have.

I am going to have to start exercising. I am staying around the same weight, even though my pants and clothes are fitting looser, but exercising is going to be the only way I can make a dent. Not excited. Not excited at all.

To be on the honest side, what bothers me the most about my body now, post-baby, is my chest. I have always loved that part of my body, but I have grown at least a cup size, if not more, and now, they just lay there. Part of the reason I don't fit into clothes is because of them. I don't like that. I don't like how they look now. I am thinking of having a reduction. I never thought I would seriously consider plastic surgery, but in this case, I might make an exception. My shoulders hurt alot too because my bra carries alot of weight and I am afraid I might have some serious back pain as I get older. There are so many things I can't put on, around the neck bathing suits for example, because it hurts my neck so bad. I don't want that for the rest of my life.

I am going to try and lose as much weight as I can to see if it does anything for me. Hopefully, it will.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

It's a good day so far....

I've done really well with my calories and goals Tuesday and Wednesday! This is when it starts to get challenging:

I got on the scale and I have lost 3 pounds since Tuesday. There is three reasons for this: low fat, low sugar, low calories. I have been monitoring my intake on this great website called My Fitness Pal. You enter in your goals and you can monitor pretty much any thing you'd like. I watch for 3 things: fat, sugar, and calories. While I can also monitor sodium and cholesterol, I feel like those do not immediately impact my weight, plus if I am eating foods low in those first three things, more than likely, the other things will follow.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Wordy Wednesday

Yesterday turned out ok, food wise. I stuck with my caloric limit. I didn't work out because I am refinishing a table right now so there just wasn't time. I figure, every time I am sitting at home and want to eat, I am just going to redo another piece of furniture. My apartment is going to look ah-maze-ing.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

It Starts Today....

I started this blog a while back to keep track of my progress with weight loss. As you can see, I did not do a very good job.

What is funny is that had I stuck with this since the beginning, I would have probably never gained 40 pounds during my pregnancy and I would have probably lost the weight a whole lot faster. Oh well. Hind sight is 20/20.

Basically, I just need something to write down my thoughts about weight loss and how I feel about my body. I think weight loss is totally mental and for some reason, I have been mentally stuck for a while now.