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Tuesday, November 10, 2009

My First Pilates Day

Well, I am proud to say I got up this morning and did Pilates. I should have gotten up 20 minutes earlier, but I didn't. I do think once I start getting on a regular workout schedule it will be easier for me to go to bed earlier. I have a Pilates DVD which allows you to pick from 5 10 minutes workouts, each designed for something different. I started out with the one for flexibility, followed by the one for abs, then burn. It's quite embarrassing how un-flexible I am. And it leads me to understand why I have such a hard time with certain activities. Things were popped, wobbling, it was hard for me to find balance, much less do the exercises she asked me to do. I kept thinking to myself, "running would be easier than this!" But, since it was so hard, that is the reason I need to continue doing it. I have never been a very limber person and as I get older, lack of flexibility could actually be unsafe and lead to injury. So, here I am, eating my Raisin Bran, proud of myself for getting up and doing it, but not looking forward to tomorrow's pilates. However, I am looking forward to seeing how much my flexibility can improve over the next few months.

1 comment:

  1. Go Jenna Go.. i just wanted to follow for kicks and give you a hard time, i mean to encourage you...
    you should invite Faith to join, the two of you can blog togather and feel better about not getting to work out when you miss a day...
    ha ha ha...
    you look great just the way you are.. i am sure Jason has told you that time & time again.
    good luck.... you should try swiming, low impact on joints, and more agessive in cardio.
    you should really talk to Faith thought her degree is in this..
